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USA Line

The Bomb Blast

A 464th Bomb Group Newsletter

Cpl. M. Feldman, Editor

Vol. 1, Issue 1

July 15, 1944

Headlines: "Red Army Blitzing!"; "How're We Doing?"; "Uneasy Rests the Crown"

Vol. 1, Issue 2

July 22, 1944

Headlines: "Herky Heads Home"; "Allies Push Forward in Normandy - Slow But Quite Sure"; "What's Cookin'"

Vol. 1, Issue 3

July 29, 1944

Headlines: "Teutons Toppling"; "Historical Repetition?"; "Electric Pilot Used in Fortress Bombings"

Vol. 1, Issue 4

August 5, 1944

Headlines: "GIs To Vote!"; "Chaplain's Flimsy"; "Hits and Errors"

Vol. 1, Issue 5

August 12, 1944

Headlines: "All Front Advancing"; "Nazi Generals Don't Feel Very Well!!!"; "Scoops and Poop from the Squads"

Vol. 1, Issue 6

August 19, 1944

Headlines: "Allies Continue Advance"; "CO's Commentary"; "Pieces from Here and There"

Vol. 1, Issue 7

August 26, 1944

Headlines: "Allies Smash Ahead"; "What's Wrong With The Germans?"; "The Wailin' Wall"

USA Line

The Putt-Putt

A 464th Bomb Group, 776th Squadron Newsletter

Issue 1: S/Sgt. John F. Kennedy, Editor

Issues 2 and 3: Sgt. Vance M. Edwards, Editor

Vol. 1, Issue 1

Publishing date unknown, possibly beginning of Nov. 1944

Headlines: "Thisa and Thata": Squadron commended for sending home $18,175; "Roar of the Line": Battle for the b**** of the week; "The Wailing Wall": Beer being chiseled in the officer's club

Vol. 1, Issue 2

Publishing date unknown, possibly the middle of Nov. 1944

Headlines: "The Wailing Wall": Flying personnel want a leave duty schedule; "Down the Line": Why did the night Wheel in the Engineering Dept. shave off the folingo under his nose? "Thisa and Thata": A big Jamboree is scheduled to be held Thanksgiving Day at the EM Service Clu

Vol. 1, Issue 3

Publishing date unknown. Appears to be the end of Nov. 1944

Headlines: "The Wailing Wall": Requesting a review of club leadership. "Thisa and Thata": "I hear a braying from over in the direction of the 'Screeching Wall'..."; (Illegible column head) Column by Sgt. John H. Shelby: The men from the squadron are considering the formation of a club to discuss and debate current issues

USA Line

The Tower

A 464th Bomb Group Newsletter

Chaplain Eastwood, Editor

Vol. 1, Issue 2

26 November 1944

Headlines: "Scrooge or Santa Clause," "Meet Chaplain McCahey," "Suffer little children to come unto Me, For of such is the kingdom of heaven"

Vol. 1, Issue 3

03 December 1944

Headlines: "Out Of The Mud," "What Are We Doing Here Anyway," "Where Free Men

Vol. 1, Issue 4

10 December 1944

Headlines: "464th Leads Wing," "Group 5 Grabs A Close One," "Chow Line Chatter" by A Seventy-Niner

Vol. 1, Issue 5

17 December 1944

Headlines: "Meet The Wheels," "A Bundle Of Sticks," "The Music Box"

Vol. 1, Issue 6

24 December 1944

Headlines: "The Greatest Gift," "Inside the Seventy-Seventh," "Meet The Boys" by Joe Stewar

Vol. 1, Issue 7

31 December 1944

Headlines: "GI Joes Thrill Bambinos, Thousand Kids Pack Theatre For Christmas Gifts," "Con Molto Espressione," "One World"

Vol. 1, Issue 8

08 January 1945

Headlines: "Storm Shatters Shoo-Shoo, Queen of the Skies Finds Snowy Grave," "Group 5 Takes 5," "Good Will Toward Men"

Vol. 1, Issue 9

14 January 1945

Headlines: "With Malice Towards None," "Waste," "Beauty"

Vol. 1, Issue 10

21 January 1945

Headlines: "Stars," "Meet the Cogs,"by Joe Stewart, "A Letter Home"

Vol. 1, Issue 11

28 January 1945

Headlines: "Our Neighbors in White," "Stop Thief!," "Be Your Own Fortune Teller" by

Vol. 1, Issue 12

04 February 1945

Headlines: "Stand Down," by Capt. Allen Orton, "Bored? Here's Your Answer," "Hobnobbing With Headquarters"

Vol. 1, Issue 13

11 February 1945

Headlines: "Suppose It Were You?," "So, You Want a Puppy," "A Year Ago, Remember?" by Capt. Kieling

Vol. 1, Issue 14

18 February 1945

Headlines: "Merit Recognized," "The Oxygen Check," "One Out Of 365"

Vol. 1, Issue 15

25 February 1945

Headlines: "Divided We're Conquered," "Have You Read?," by William L. White, "Crews In The Blue"

Vol. 1, Issue 16

04 March 1945

Headlines: "Observations," "A Statement of Intentions," "The Human Soul"

Vol. 1, Issue 17

11 March 1945

Headlines: "Hitler Should Not Die," "What It'll Be Like," "Chaplain's Flimsy" by Chaplain Eastwood

Vol. 1, Issue 18

18 March 1945

Headlines: "Have You Prepared For The Future?," "Jewish Passover," "778th Wins Table Tennis Title - Become Wing Champs"

Vol. 1, Issue 19

25 March 1945

Headlines: "Low Level Man Gains Altitude - Col. A.J. Bird, Jr., New Group Commander," "The Earth Movers," "Easter Parade"

Vol. 1, Issue 20

01 April 1945

Headlines: "He Is Risen," "A Large Mind," "Espenshade In Checker Finals"

Vol. 1, Issue 21

08 April 1945

Headlines: "What's That Car?," "Ideas Have Legs," "A Nocturnal Phantasy" by JKG

Vol. 1, Issue 22

15 April 1945

Headlines: "Comes A Time," "Our Post Express," "Inside the 77th" by

Vol. 1, Issue 23

22 April 1945

Headlines: "The Silent Guardian," "Spirit of '76," "After The War, Then What?" by T/Sgt. Harry Kaplan

Vol. 1, Issue 24

29 April 1945

Headlines: "The Silent Guardian, Part II," "See For Yourself," "Information and Education"

USA Line

These newsletters have been archived by the government.  Copies of these newsletters were obtained from the Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell Field, AL by Robert "Bob" Hoskinson (464th BG, 778th Sq.).  Bob has contributed the copies made available here and has generously given me permission to offer these .PDF newsletter files for free download to those of you who are interested in reading them.

Please note: These electronic transcripts of the newsletters are the result of Bob's efforts.  He has spent many hours requesting, then preparing, this data for the website.

Please do not redistribute any of the newsletter files without permission.