
James Allen Ten Eyck

Courtesy of Linda Bonnell

Lt. Ten Eyck

Lt. James Allen Ten Eyck

Air Medal

Ten Eyck

Lt. Ten Eyck on the right

"Just got back from a trip up (the big Brenner line).  Saw one ship in a different group blow up.  We had a pretty good trip though.  They were shooting the flak at a different group."

Ten Eyck

Lt. Ten Eyck in the middle

Aircraft is Short Fat and 4-F

"Got back from a frag mission to an airdrome at Prague.  A little flak, but not bad.  Saw ME-109s make passes at some of the boys - successful too.  They let our squadron alone.  A pretty long flight and we're pretty tired."

Ten Eyck

Lt. Ten Eyck is second from the left

Aircraft is 42-95332, Flak Man

"Same ship again, Same day.  The fourth fellow is a bombardier who flew with us.  This picture was taken first.  We haven't quite gotten over the trip yet."

Ten Eyck

Lt. Ten Eyck is in the middle

Aircraft is 42-95332, Flak Man

"This crate has shot down 7 ME-109s but none of ours.  We just got back fromVienna when this picture was taken.  Glad to be back.  We lost one engine and had several flak holes.  We're a little bit more relaxed now."